What's in the name?

 The name Wildfire Church embodies the vision of this church. Wildfire is not necessarily a statement of charismatic theology; rather, the name is a statement that looks at the qualities of a wildfire in nature and relates that to us, and how those qualities can embody the spiritual formation and refinement in followers of Jesus. The name illustrates the transformative and restorative power of Jesus Christ through refinement. The name reflects resurrection life; that dry, decayed and dead things can be purified by fire and then made new. Wildfire symbolizes new life. 

Wildfires also have a tendency to spread, and our prayer is that the gospel and truth of Jesus Christ would spread throughout our community and throughout the world. 

Our vision as a church is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ catch on to those things which are dead and bring resurrecting life by the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe as a church that to live in Christ is a life full of grace, full of the Spirit, full of gifts and empowerment; and to live in His fullness, the old must be removed for new life to begin.