what to expect

New to Wildfire? Here's what you can expect.
We focus on personal growth
Our priority as a church is to see God's people flourish in their relationship with Him. We believe that comes from being strongly connected as a body of believers, as well as committing ourselves toward worship, prayer, and reading of the Holy Bible.
2 Peter 3:18 says "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen."
We are committed to our familes
Families are a priority for our church. We believe strongly that it is our purpose to be a place that reaches all children and their parents for Christ. Proverbs 22:6 is a focal point for our entire church.
We love to worship
Our prayer is to be a house of worship where God's presence is tangibly felt, and where He is glorified through everything we do. He is worthy of all honor and praise.

We believe that our greatest commandment is to love the Lord and love our neighbor. We practice that in every thing we do, regardless of where you have been or where you are. God is love and we strive to be an extension of His love. 

The moment you step through the door, you will be greeted like a part of family. We believe God is exalted when the church operates as a family, encouraging and loving each other through every step. 

We have many different ministries to plug in to, and a church that strives to see our congregation grow in their relationship with the Lord. 

We don’t hold back, we love to soak in the presence of God. Through worship, prayer, or in quiet moments, we want to experience God because He is a good father. 

We believe that it is only through the Holy Spirit that we experience true joy and freedom from the things that once defeated us. Allowing the Holy Spirit to operate freely brings a more intimate and authentic relationship that cannot be replicated any other way. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 says “Do not quench the Holy Spirit”. We don’t want to stand in the way of His presence.